Changing course, transforming education

Recognizing the importance of education to social harmony and prosperity, the UN General Assembly proclaimed 24th January as International Day of Education.

According to statistics from UNESCO, 258 million children and teens lack access to education, 617 million children and adults are illiterate and unable to do basic math equations. For example, in Saharan Africa, less than 40% of girls complete lower secondary education, and about 4 million children and teens from refugees families are out of school completely. The inequalities and lack of access to education are a big worldwide concern.

Therefore, this year’s motto is about a changing course and transforming education into more sustainable and ethical direction.

“To provide every child and youth with an education that embraces the richness of their past, the diversity of their present, and the possibilities of their future.”

In addition to the current education inequalities, COVID-19 has deepened it. Increasing reliance on digital technology for learning has resulted in exclusion and injustice. Schools were forced to close their educational facilities because of the lockdowns, causing the most significant disruption in modern history.

Due to a lack of internet access at home, about 1.6 billion children were affected and could not continue their schooling. According to UNICEF research, 2.2 billion children and teens worldwide do not have access to the internet at home, which is around 67% of all children and youth under 25. The most significant factors that affect internet access are differences in income groups, urban areas, and household wealth, resulting in a lack of education opportunities for the majority of children worldwide. As shown in figure 1, in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and Latin America, approximately 60% of children and teens have access to the internet, therefore, can continue with their education. On the other hand, countries in Eastern and Southern Asia and Africa have a small proportion of children who could continue learning due to the lack of access to the internet at home.

To conclude, it is crucial that we transform our relationship with technology by ensuring that digital tools are accessible and beneficial to all, starting with the most disadvantaged, which will significantly help with the inclusion and quality of education for all children.

Source: UNICEF Data, 2020, Monitoring the situation of children and women.

HEMEX is a supporter of equal access to a transformative education for all youth and children

HEMEX is dedicated to making a difference in education globally. Together we are keen on progress towards a solid educational foundation and a prosperous future for all children and teens. As part of our efforts, we participate in the Swiss National Future Days, in which we invite teens who are interested in the business HEMEX runs. This day is filled with workshops, learning experiences, and reflections. The teens enjoy it every year, and so do we! Moreover, HEMEX has always opened doors for young students who are interested in exploring possibilities in the business world or standing in front of tough decisions about their future.

Therefore, our aim is to provide them with the most comprehensive overview of our work and introduce them to all the possibilities for their future careers.

We’ve been fortunate over the past year to welcome so many more outstanding people into the HEMEX diverse family. Providing an inclusive and safe environment for all is one of our core values. Therefore, we believe providing this environment in education is vital for children and youth worldwide.

Every child deserves an opportunity.

Furthermore, as part of HEMEX’s vision, we are committed to having a sustainable hiring process, one that employs and supports young professionals in their educational and career development. Cost-effectiveness wasn’t the only benefit, but it helped in the building of a more productive and lasting workforce. Our dedication is to make a positive difference in our future by supporting young individuals.
Nevertheless, HEMEX always strive for more and has taken another step towards educational empowerment.
Currently, we are working on an exciting project, which will give us a new way to support children in their education. Are you curious about it? Then, stay tuned for HEMEX’s news because we will be introducing it soon.


Written and researched by: Lucie Pribylova

Source: UNICEF Data, 2020; UNESCO Education Day, 2022



HEMEX is committed to changing the future of healthcare by guiding the most promising European startups through each and every step to bring innovative pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and in vitro diagnostics to the market. Headquartered close to the thriving Basel global Life Sciences hub, the goal at HEMEX is to ensure startups have access to a wide range of tailored products, practical solutions, and fundraising support. This empowers the next generation of transformative discoveries to grow into successful and sustainable businesses, and drive change in both human and animal healthcare. For more information, visit