Let’s talk about Women’s Health

Women are generally known to suffer from more acute and chronic symptoms and use health services more frequently than men. Recent research highlights significant knowledge gaps in the field of women’s health.   “Despite medical advances in healthcare over the past decades, societ­ies are still failing women at key moments in their lives. Too many […]

Fighting COVID-19 with VirOmics Playground

BigOmics’ platform to win the battle against coronavirus is called VirOmics Playground. It analyzes and visualizes biological data for COVID-19, and it is accessible to everyone!   Open data can play a big role in understanding how pandemics works because it provides crucial insights about the patterns behind the data. BigOmics Analytics launched a special […]

“100 fürs Baselbiet” (100 for Baselland) Supports the Federal Program for Innovative Start-Ups

The “100 fürs Baselbiet” (1004BB) initiative was launched in November 2019 by the three partners University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, FHNW), the State Bank of the Canton of Basel-Landschaft (Basellandschaftliche Kantonalbank, BLKB) and the Canton of Baselland. This popular initiative among start-ups in the region has been operational since the beginning of […]

Online Pitch Event @ HEMEX

Four promising Swiss start-ups pitched their ventures from the HEMEX Incubator to an online group of investors.    LiVET develops and produces rapid molecular point-of-care diagnostic tests for veterinary use. Based on their proprietary platform technology, veterinarians are able to diagnose infectious diseases on-site and within only 30 minutes for up to 16 samples at […]